Designer of the Week – Tshirt factory contributing designer Deka Gumilar
meet another talented Tshirt factory designer – Deka Gumilar
I’m very happy I started this series about terrific designer we wanted you to meet. For this week’s designer, we “sat down” with one of the Tshirt factory contributors, Deka Sepdian Gumilar. before we start, take a look at his designs and then think that he started working as a professional designer only a couple of years ago, and is self thought! Puoi crederci? Vedere? This is why I love learning about the artists – you realize how naturally talented the majority of them are, and how that kind of innate passion can replace years of sterile theoretical studying.
Let’s see what else we can find behind the designs:
Oana: Per favore, raccontaci molto di più sulla tua arte e il tuo background di design. Cosa ti ha fatto diventare un designer?
DEKA: Hmm, actually I don’t have any graduation school or college training related to design and illustration, but i like drawing so much, ever because I was a kid. I looked to digital mediums when I was in high school. I maintained a passion about illustration and graphic design because then.
Oana: Come o quando hai iniziato a illustrare a livello professionale?
DEKA: I started this illustration work on a professional level when I finished my high school, just a couple of months before I graduated. but I major work for clients began at the end of 2014, maybe October, I don’t really remember. So, as you can see, I recently started a couple of years ago and I keep learning, always trying to do my best. I like that :D.
Oana: Da dove viene la tua ispirazione?
DEKA: My inspiration comes from things, ideas, or I automatically work my brain to make some terrific illustrations. but also in some cases I combine my ideas with what’s popular, too. So there will be implying for a larger audience.
Oana: Come descriveresti il tuo stile?
DEKA: My style – actually it’s hard for me to describe it, because I’m still improving my style now I think in the future it will be different. In short, my style is based on urban street art with harmonic bright color combinations.
OANA: What tools you use? Vai al 100% digitale o c’è un documento coinvolto?
DEKA: I use Adobe Illustrator for a vector design / final design and Photoshop with my Wacom for sketching, but in some cases I also sketch on paper when the idea needs much more improvement.
Oana: C’è qualcosa che eviti specificamente nell’uso delle tue illustrazioni?
DEKA: The first time I tried to make an illustration in digital format, it was influenced from death metal artwork, and as you know, they always have some bloody, creepy, or disgusting things on the design. but now I avoid to use that theme again. For now, my artwork mostly focuses on urban street art and funny colorful style.
Oana: Qual è stato il lavoro/illustrazione più difficile che tu abbia mai lavorato?
DEKA: I think they are all same, for now, because I am new to it, because I always work based on my style, so I worry they will all will be same. I can mention a design that had high details, colors and objects – it was mythology god illustration series.
OANA: Can you name some of your favorite designs and why?(personal or from other designers)
DEKA: My favorite designs of mine are the slashing party series that I created for my market place store. That was cool, they look simple, there was no need for a long time to work on, but the result is cool. As from other designes, I can’t remember which I like most, but i always find great, badass illustrations on Behance., which is one potential resource to improve my style.
Oana: Qualche graphic designer che ammiri?
DEKA: There are a lot of designers that have style and that I really love, but let’s just say the 2 designers I many admire are pems lou and sweyda.
Oana: Qualche parola di orientamento per qualcuno che ha appena iniziato come illustratore/graphic designer?
DEKA: just keep practicing and explore your imagination then you’ll find your own style. and of course you’ll earn some money as a result of your passion. Do the stuff that you really love to do ?
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